A Kel-Berg T100S Aggregate Trailer delivered to Brunel recycling.
Salesman: Simon Hall
Comments from the customer:
How do you and your driver’s find our products on/off site?
The trailer is superb, honestly cannot fault it.
How has your overall experience with Kel-Berg been over the years and why do you continue to choose us?
In my previous jobs I have used these trailers and can understand why Brunel is using you now and in the future.
How do you find our aftersales care with regard to parts and issues
With regards to aftersales up to this point we have had no issues.
With regard to your latest acquisition, how satisfied have you been with the process start to finish and the final product?
Ten out of ten for service and you guys helped all the way through to delivery.
- Steven Allen | Transport Manager @ Brunel